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"Geek Boutique App" Project information

  • Category: UX/UI Design
  • Project date: March 2024
  • Software: Figma; Google Forms; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe InDesign
  • Type of project: Academic
geek boutique about
process geek boutique user research
process geek boutique user research
process geek boutique user research
process geek boutique user research
process geek boutique persona
process geek boutique flow
process geek boutique wireframes

Moderated in-person user testing was chosen to evaluate platform navigation and usability. Participants underwent three scenarios, followed by feedback collection on their experience and challenges.

process geek boutique testing
process geek boutique testing
process geek boutique testing
process geek boutique testing
process geek boutique brand
process geek boutique grid
process geek boutique ui kit
process geek boutique final screens
process geek boutique final screens
process geek boutique final screens
process geek boutique final screens
process geek boutique final screens